Friday, October 28, 2011

Can't push Love

"All you need is Love, duh-dah-duh-du-dahh..."

That's a theme that universal in pop songs, films, and literature. And even many spiritual and self-help books, it's there, you just have to Love and everything will sort itself out.

But while it's literally true that Love is All, I don't think you can push it or enhance it. The real love, the only Love, belongs to Source, and it's far, far beyond the control of the Self.

A Course In Miracles says it very simply: "The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance."

It's good news if you think about it. You don't have to worry about being deficient in Love or about how to enhance it. Love is infinite, in you and everybody. All you need is to remove the blocks to your awareness that Love is there.
That this is much easier said that done is another story.       :-)

1 comment:

TC [Girl] said...

Eolake said...
"All you need is to remove the blocks to your awareness that Love is there. That this is much easier said that done is another story. :-)

Very true. I think, often, it is the experiences of this life that create that "block" - the "wall" - when we have been pushed aside or hurt by others. Those times are the mortar that has been slung at us where we chose (perhaps even unconsciously, at times) to take it personally or realized that it wasn't about us but, rather, about that person and their own "stuff" and..."blocks" and/or "mortar." :-(

Many "blocks" can be removed just by being willing to work through...misunderstandings; and...I think that it does take be willing to be vulnerable and trusting enough to believe that the person wanting to clear up misunderstandings has our best interest at heart; also takes love...for the person being pushed away to be willing to say "I understand where you're coming from; hence, why I still want to be there for you and try to help rid the "blockages" rather than just let the person deal w/them on their own." :-D