Monday, August 13, 2007

"Exorcising" the body

Finally in my middle age, I've started to "exorcise".
The thought occurred to me that this would amount to focusing on the body, thus making it real.
But heaven knows it's real enough already. And I find that exercising is forcing me to focus on the body, and so nudging me to forgive it a lot more than I've been doing.

Of course the reason I've been grossly neglecting the body is not just that I'm only interested in the spirit, as I've been telling myself, but that I have/had a profound resentment towards it. And of course I need to work through this. Resentment is the epitome of not-forgiven.

1 comment:

laurie said...

That is quite a realization - the resentment connection. Wow.

the reason I didn't exercise for so many years was that I had a love/hate/fear thing for the body and all material reality. I really did feel matter was not who I was, yet i was constantly hungry for it.

I've since made my way through that gate as well, and find daily exercise like going through a gate of unreality (the body) into Reality, SUBSTANCE.

I'm having similar awakenings re. food.
